Modern global welfare society was establish in 2008-2009 by group of philanthropists with the prime objective of providing effective and efficient medical and health services. The society has further decided to take up and educational programme to train and educate nursing and medical professionals to vary proficient level for strengthening health care delivery system in the survive of suffering humanity. Modern Global Nursing Institute has been set by society under guidance of highly qualified and dedicated professionals from medical nursing sector. It will provide high quality education in medical science.
A center for excellence in nursing education which is geared towards preparation of creative, caring and competent professionals to meet the needs of the time by an expression of humanity concern for the sick and suffering.
As per INC, New Delhi Norms. For General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM): 10+2 with minimum 40% marks any stream (English is compulsory) For Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM): 10+2 with minimum 40% marks in any stream
The Basic B.Sc. Nursing course comprises of 4 years duration which includes all the nusing subjects. Examination is taken the end of the each year after which the student are eligible to get registration from Uttarakhand State nursing Council, Uttarakhand. The course is permitted by the Uttarkhand Govenment and Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Medical University and Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.
Area of study Include: Anatomy, Physiology, Microbilogy, Nursing foundation, Nutrition and Biochemistry, Psychology, Preventive medicine and epidemiology, Medical-surgical nursing, Education technology, Computer and communication skills, Obsterical nursing, Child health nursing, Psyshiatry mental health nursing, Community health nursing, Sociology, Research and stastistics, Management of nursing service and education & Research project. Students have practical experience both in hospital and community are held in each academic year. However, internal assissment is done continuously throughout the academic session by conducting term tests, seminars, assignments, projects, other reports etc.
Admission Criteria for B.Sc. (N)
A candidate seeking admission should have:
1. The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st December of the year in which admission brought.
2. Minimum education: 10+2 class passes with Science(PCB) English Core/English Elective with aggregte of 45% marks from recognized board under AISSCE/CBSE/ICSE/UP/UK or /SSCE/HSCE other equivalent Board.
3. Student should be medically fit.
The Diploma Nursing course comprises of 3 years duration with includes all the nursing subjects. Examination is taken at the end of each year after which the students are aligible to get registration from Uttarakhand State Nursing Council, Uttarakhand. The course is permitted by the Uttarakhand Government and Uttarakhand State Medical Council and Indian Nursing Council. New Delhi.
Area of study Include: Bioscience (Anatomy), (Physicology & Microbiology) Behavioural science (Psychology & Socialogy). Fundamental of nursing, Community Health Nursing, Medical-surgical nursing 1st and 2nd . Mental Health Nursing. Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing, Pediatric nursing, Educational, method and media for in training practice of nursing. introduction to research. Professional Trends and Adjustment Administration and Ward Management. health economic. Student have practical experience both in hospital and community setting. Board Examinations are held In each academic year. However, Internal assessment is done continuously throughout the academic session by conducting term tests, seminars, assignments, project other reports etc.
Admission Criteria for GNM:
1. Minimum and Maximum age for admission will be 17 and 35 years.
2. Minimum Education:
(a). 10+2 class passed preperably Science (PCB)& English with Aggregate of 40% marks.
(b). 10+2 In Arts (Mathematics, Biotechnology, Economics, Political Science, History, Geography, Business Studies, Accountancy, Home Science, Society, Socialogy, Psychology and English Core/English Elective or Health care Science Vocational Steam INLY,passing out from recognized Board Under AISSES/CBSE/ICSE/SSCE/UP/UK or other equivalent Board with 40% marks.
(c). 10+2 vocational ANM under CBSE Board or other equivalent board from the school and recognized by Indian Nursing Council with 40% marks.
(d). Registered as ANM with State Nursing Regitration Council.
Student shall be medically fit.
Student shall admitted once in year.
The post basic B.Sc. Nursing course comprises if 2 year duration in which includes on the nursing subjects. Examination is taken at the end of each year after which the student are aligilble to get registration from Uttarakhand. State Nursing Council, Uttarakhand, The Course is permitted by the govenment and uttarakhand Technical University/Hemwant Nandan bahuguna Medical University and Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi. The Yearly intaken of students is twenty.
Admission Criteria for Post Basic B.Sc Programme:
i) Student should Passed the higher Secondary or Senior Secondary or Intermediate or 10+2 or an equivalent examination recognized by the university for this purpose.
ii) Student those who have done 10+1 in or before 1986, will be eligible for admission.
iii) Obtained a certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery and registered as R.N.R.M. with the state Nurse Registration Council.
iv) Student shall be medically fit.
v) Student shall be admitted once in year.